Thursday, March 23, 2006

Not A Poet on Cravings

Photo of pretty buxom beer wench holding 8 beers and smiling.Waited,
too long,
to eat.

The drink,
all the more potent,
quiets any hunger,
but not my appetite.

A Thousand Plus Miles

(with great thanks to the Hoodoo Gurus)

Alone with all these people,
over a thousand miles away,

A happy call,
concluded unhappily.

that said everything.

Made something,
feel like nothing.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Six panel cartoon of one stick figure drinking beer and the other encouraging him to stop.Flights,
of fancy.

Too expensive,
to entertain.

plain truth.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tuesday's Forget Me Not

I missed you,
so tried to see,
if what they say is true,
and ate chocolate,
lots of chocolate,
to see if,
I felt your love,
or not when I was done.

Although pleasant distraction,
it was by no comparison,
equal to you.

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Day My Heart Stood Still

Picture of Gort statue from the Day the Earth Stood StillI thought of waiting,
to see if you would call,
before I did.

I'll show you mine,
if you show me yours,
childish games.

who knew,
I simply longed,
for your call,
to not let you know,
I missed you.

How long,
does the faithful wait?